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  • Why? so more high ranking players can farm lower ranked players without the fear of retaliation?

  • So, it's ok for a fleeter to bash a miners' defences but it's not ok for a miner to retaliate?

  • Quote from Vinny: “An other thing i want to add is if there's a high ranked player (fleet 20 +) and he's destroying defence only to raid than he is a weakling, that is not how it's done and that is not how players should play this game ” That's exactly what's happening, I have been hit by top 10 fleeters for my daily production... hardly worth the time really. So I can either suck it up and just be farmed whenever, or I can find the attackers planets closest to me, flatten him and get my res bac…

  • Quote: “The following fleets face each other: 23. May 2016, 21:40:27: devider2.png Attacker Majrefal ([5:3:8]) (P) Weapons 7300% - Shields 7200% - Armour 7200% Column thriller : Defender Melkor ([5:1:8]) (P) Weapons 6700% - Shields 6600% - Armour 7000% Solar Satellite : 75.000.000 Missle Launcher : Plasma Cannon : The attacking fleet fires with a power of 1.529.607.338.382.900.094.809.669.632 on the defender. The shields of…

  • Quote from ccxx: “Stop the crying Melkor.. your battle report is probably a revenge (in return) for your IPM attacks You leave large amounts of res on your planets. I attacked you 2x for it. I don't revenge IPM (as you noticed) When I find 60kT metal with a metal mine 122, that is 2 days res. You can't expect raiders to ignore you, only because you have no fleet. ” Crying? No one is crying, just point out what happens. And as for your claim... I call bullshit, especially considering I have the g…

  • this again... Read further up, if you are going to limit IPMs then the number of fleet hits should be reduces as well, a top fleeter could easily crush defense without any losses, is a miner just supposed to do nothing? Another alternative to the limit in IPMs; limit them yes, but then make them more powerful. Dont see how it's fair that a top fleeter can bash you 6 times, get your res, harvest the df from the defenses but then only be limited to 14 IPMs as retaliation. Again, this is just dumb…

  • Quote from ccxx: “Indeed that is what IPM should do, revenge and war. But in this case, mister buildings rank #4, fleet #260 (looks like a noob miner) is visiting me daily with IPM and cargo afterward. He can use IPM for profit. I had 14 hours res on my planets. Quote: “Read further up, if you are going to limit IPMs then the number of fleet hits should be reduces as well, a top fleeter could easily crush defense without any losses, is a miner just supposed to do nothing? ” You see only the reve…

  • I think this is completely wrong. A fleeter may not be able to get through someone's defense but can still bash it and make a profit, now you are just punishing miners for wanting to defend themselves. The logic in this decision just makes no sense what so ever

  • Quote from corrado: “Quote from Ev1l_EyE: “now you are just punishing miners for wanting to defend themselves. ” the still can !! its only time consuming when silos are smaller and on top of it more expensive thats all ” Again, you are punishing miners for defending themselves.

  • Quote from DiEnd: “corrado increasing the price of missiles or decreasing the capacity of silos is bullshit, sorry but it won't stop the IPM bashing there needs to be a limit on how many IPM attacks you are allowed to do each 24 hours for 1 planet else nothing will change if you can still make 42 IPM attacks on the defense of a miner even higher prices for IPMs won't lower your win ” Ah I get it now, you have some butt hurt cause someone flattened your ass, who did you piss off? Maybe you flappe…