No Energy in inactive players

  • No Energy in inactive players

    Good day everyone,

    In xenna its Not possible to Farm ressources by inactive Accounts because 95% of planets doesnt have energy. So please send them solar ships That the Production of inactive planets will be normal.

    One question more: please think about updating xenna with 10% defense in to debris. It would be make the Game more fun. Please do something thank you
  • Doons wrote:

    In xenna its Not possible to Farm ressources by inactive Accounts because 95% of planets doesnt have energy. So please send them solar ships That the Production of inactive planets will be normal.
    The problem is that players set production to zero when leaf the game ,normally when account is inactive the power output is increased with factor 25.000 so only 1 solar sat or 1 lv solar plant produce enough power to that planet.

    so increasing sats isnt working when production is set to zero , can't help with that sir a am sorry
    Grtz Corrado