• The ECONOMICAL END of Twins

      A few weeks ago i had a in game message conversation with TWINS alias today DRAK.
      Yes , exactly the jealous guy who 100 and 1000 of times shot down my moons and those of many other players.
      All this because he wants to make clearly understandig that he is the absolut NO 1 of all universes.

      So weeks ago he told me that the second place or worser in U19 would be the place i will rest for the rest of my life
      until he will play this game always followed by many insults and promises that when i would built defences they would go down the same day :D .
      I told him that i dont care what place i would be one day if only he would not disturb my game.
      But still he does, And he dont stop.
      This really nearvs me. So i made a plan.
      90% of the players all start to construct strong defences and yes, i would say nearly bunkers.
      But this wont help. He ll built more fleet , brake the rule No 8 like he did 100drs of times and crash all the expensive defences and make loss.
      I decided not to build defence.
      Yes dangerous during playing standing on a moon with the fleet, right.
      I agree.
      But i made some calculations.
      Better pay attention always to the fleet than throwing the defence into the dustbin (100%).

      And here is the result of today:

      I would say that this is the ECONOMICAL END of Twins. :thumbsup:
      Cause now the pyamid effect is very strong.
      For every mine i built he will have to build 4.
      I remember some words of a very successful ogamer more than 15 years ago.
      """NEVER NEVER built defences""" the day they ll go all down is already fundated.
      So my advice to ALL, built MINES !!! as quick as many possible.You can never loose.
      Strong defences or bunkers are only a invitation for irregular attacks.
      Have a nice game,

      Cincerly Ilaria (u19)