Bullies ruining the game - Yes, NonnAdelina​, I'm talking about you

    • Bullies ruining the game - Yes, NonnAdelina​, I'm talking about you

      Should there be an attack ratio rule? 3
        Yes (2) 67%
        No (1) 33%
      I've been playing the game for many years. I've come and gone over time, but the single reason I usually leave is bullies like NonnAdelina (Uni19). Where is the fun in attacking someone where you already have 100x the size of their fleet? I know people say you should fleet save, but with the attack times, you can see the probe, and then attack, but you still don't have time to move the fleet.

      Every game I've ever played had a ratio where you can only attack someone within a certain amount of points.

      @corrado Please, can you have a rethink about the game rules in this regard. I suspect you would have 50 - 100 players in each uni instead of the 5-10 active now. Why don't you try it in Uni 20?

      The below numbers are fleet points only

      1. NonnAdelina 363.934.044.410.
      2. Andsha 268.078.854.904.412.566.485.586.338.119.680
      3 Adela 45.728.509.277.724.818.055.302.381.305.856
      4 ACATENANGO 14.042.492.218.935.529.971.034.447.937.536
      5 PITBULL 13.672.847.
      6 Myto 11.133.735.725.221.572.500.940.574.949.376
      7 Mortimer 10.524.066.086.422.502.668.457.035.694.080
      8 delfran 8.041.541.879.575.611.061.091.417.718.784
      9 Loading 6.546.808.049.763.370.227.847.435.124.736
      10 penki19
    • Hello @kainado

      we have the function in game but have disabled it.
      Thing is when we use the option , you limit the speed of wat players can grow -- example is when player like NonnAdelina have time to play and out grows the rest he cant play an more , wille all players in game will be weak and he have nothing to do.

      The other thing we have to keep in mind is that C-G is a ware game and it seems funny that you can't be attacked will player is stronger dont u thin.

      So Yes i understand your problem but this matter haves many downsides but not a good solution
      Grtz Corrado
    • hello guys and girls,
      kainado is not so unright.
      for nonnadelina ( means grandma adelina in game place 2) alias twins, alias ACAis a chicken, alias ACA i kill your bunker, alias many names.
      He was, he is, and he ll be an unfair player and his friend Andscha too.
      I don t wanna talk about hundreds of insults i got via ingame messages.
      Hundreds of times they tried to kill my little main fleet.
      For their way of playing many have stopped the U19. invest 3, Loading, Ayhan 1 . Ultron , Mortimer and many more.
      4 second attacks with ixxion and raidkolo.
      Until now i had minimum over 1000 attacks and 400 fallen moons.
      But i ll go on.
      I have a plan.
      Who want to join me just write me in the game.
      Its just a question of time until they will go down.

      Ps: attention always watch out for raidkolos.
      if there is one better escape quick. they often use (*) behind their names.
      like this they look online , but to 80% their off.
    • we know this and every year since game is open there is a player in game that is more aggressive than the rest and we already changed few things to
      give rest of players more time to react - we added cooldown after relocation,you have to wait 5 min after you relocate your planet before you can attack
      and yes 5 min isn't much but that is the downside in playing a High Speed game.

      and problem is the game itself you all want faster games and whit the rise of speed also the flight time decreases meaning les flight time.

      so best way to defend is clean planet multiple times a day so there is no reason to being attacked
      Grtz Corrado
    • corrado wrote:

      we know this and every year since game is open there is a player in game that is more aggressive than the rest and we already changed few things to
      give rest of players more time to react - we added cooldown after relocation,you have to wait 5 min after you relocate your planet before you can attack
      and yes 5 min isn't much but that is the downside in playing a High Speed game.

      and problem is the game itself you all want faster games and whit the rise of speed also the flight time decreases meaning les flight time.

      so best way to defend is clean planet multiple times a day so there is no reason to being attacked
      I'll give you a scenario. Please tell me what you think?

      I don't raid other players. I only farm inactive. So numbnuts(that's my new name for Noonadelina as ILARIA is right, he changes it every week) phalynxs inactive, and see where attacks are coming from. He doesn't even bother to probe the planet, because his fleet is so large, he just sends a fleet that he knows will kill anything. His fleet time is about 10 secs, so there is no warning and even if you happened to refresh at the second he sends, there is no time to jump or deploy your fleet.

      There is no chance to react. there is no way to retaliate. If every single other player in the game combined their fleets and attacked him. They would lose in the first round. That's not a game.

      For fuck's sakes, he doesn't even bother to fleetsave as he can leave a fleet on every moon and planet and each of those fleets is big enough to with stand any attacks.

      Well done to him for growing so quickly, but it has killed the uni.

      When does the next uni start?
    • What should I say.
      I have to survive 100s of non sense attacks evey day.

      its just to provocate me. cause the planet from where he attacks me is called acatenango now i will have fun.
      very childisch not ?
      hihi, i dont let me provocate.
      really if i would be admin i will give him a universe only for him where he can jump and destroy where and what he wants.
      today to very good playes said goodbye for min 2 weeks.
      one of them is adela place NO 2.
      what a shame.
      better find solution guys.
    • I've had a rethink. I'm not actually going to quit. What he is doing is 100% legal.

      So is the following...

      6 x attacks from G9 to G1 on every planet and moon. Using small cargo so it's a slow attack, completely floods his screen with attacks. As long as the attacks have the following characteristics, you can't get a ban.

      100% flight time
      no more than 6/day on each planet/moon

      By attacking from the furthest planet, you increase your attack time. Don't wast your money. 50000 DS & 1 Avatar is enough.

      If we all do it, he will have to submit.

      @Twins - Agree to only attack ppl with fleets at least 1/10th of your fleet size, and the attacks will stop. Change your name to @fairplay and we will know you agree to this truce.

      @corrado pls can you confirm this is within the rules of the game?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kainado ().