settings New Game Uni13 (Thirteen) (Ultra Slow)

    • settings New Game Uni13 (Thirteen) (Ultra Slow)

      Hello All
      For many years now we get frequent requests if and when we start a slow game ,and till now we always said there isn't enough players for such a game
      now whit start of new game (Uni-12) in reach .the requests appears again in forums and game sites where we have topics to advertise/update of Corrado-Game.

      So the best time to start game like parallel to a fast game - many new players for the new fast game so we hoop whit the users that come for the fast game the also make a account in the slow game.

      Overall Game Speed X 2.000
      Fleet Speed X 25
      Resources speed X 20.000


      Percentage of Fleet turned into Debris after an Attack 50 %
      Percentage of Defence turned into Debris after an Attack 25 %


      Galaxys 9
      systems 300
      planets 15


      min planets player 1
      max planets player 17
      (for each 2 levels of Expedition Research + 1 colony)


      moon chance 20% = light fighter amount 160.000
      Jump gate charge 15.min


      Max alliance members 5


      Minimum period of vacation mode 48 hours max 30 days


      Blueprints --No
      Asteroids --No
      Bank -- No


      Bonus -- 2nd Death Star from officer -- disabled

      Grtz Corrado