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  • so we have 48 hours of gaming so far in this new uni. heres what he have found. tech points = * Blitzi * de.png * m.gif ok_icon.png * * 5.200.662.701.822.277.338.592.257.467.482.112 5.200 Q worth. but he has only spent 200q ress * 1 * Goku * 429.609.755.573.953.518.976.152.314.576.896 * 2 * Blitzi * 286.055.455.507.378.453.597.717.130.117.120 as you can see he has more points in tech than a player who has spent more ress than him. He has Armour Level 101 in only 2 days and his account has only 7…