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  • Moon Shoot

    jer0o0o - - Suggestions - Improvements


    Hi Corrado, i want to Suggest to raise the amount of Crystal to Moon Shoot Bonus. In uni8 u actually get that amount of crystal in like half a second. Maybe u could raise it to 10.000T of Crystal, so people have to speend some resources to get the moons. By this way, a lot of people will pay the 500DM to moon shoot, or at least it will not be free make moons hehe. Thnaks!

  • Moon Shoot

    jer0o0o - - Suggestions - Improvements


    Exactly, 50T is still a joke hehe

  • Moon Shoot

    jer0o0o - - Suggestions - Improvements


    Maybe, the production of 1 complete day of you highest crystel mine. In my case, thats like 12.000T of Crystal. Its look like a loot, but i can easily get that amount in 30 min with all my colonies (or less ) what do u think this way?