Search Results

Search results 1-12 of 12.

  • Quote from CAD BANE: “Then build a higher Missile Silo. It's so easy... ” Have to agree, dont see the reason to remove it. Its pretty much the only "real" way to obtain DM. Removing it will make it even more pay to win which in my opinion is bad. You can however work around this problem by buffing the exploration mission rewards heavly to compensate the removal of the AST system. Couse be honest, the rewards from those missions are pretty useless to begin with. Also a side note as ghozal said, i…

  • Its not hard to check your planet every now and again. Depending on the scale of things, just set it up so you can have like eough missiles for a "x-amount" of "waves" to a point where its not to much but not to little. And about the DM Vinny, not everyone can afford buying DM. And since DM is a big "PAY TO WIN" thing, it does have a huge impact. And now you're cuting of a main source for those who cannot afford it putting them even futher behind those who pay. And you cant say 1,5k DM each day …

  • The reason why i'm telling you this is couse always the top 20 if not more have at some point or is "donating" for DM to get that advantage over those who dont. So you'll NEVER have a true chance to get to the lets say rank 1 without it. This kills any goal for a new player, or a casual player per say. If you want a bigger communitiy you'll have to balance things out, that's simply a thing you gotta do in games all the time. That said totally understand that you gotta "get" something by donating…

  • Is there a special time when it will start, so its easier to plan when you should be online etc? Couse dont really wanna sit and wait the whole day for something without knowing when its coming up.

  • Quote from BTB: “Quote from gohzal: “just delete the player search from the premium status ” and a way to overcome the hiding chicken shit thing to if i am buying dm like they do since they are supporting it i want to be able to see them. corrado said it is there for paying customers and if i am paying i want to see where they are ” Shouldn't be like that to begin with to be honest, the "player search" function is pretty "OVERPOWERED" in a sense. That said, if you have eough "skill" so do speak …

  • That's just it Corrado, the galaxy system as it is. Its part of the game. Its what makes it a challange. It shouldn't be easy to find all planets of a player just like that. Couse at the moment. There is 0 gameplay for those who have acces to the "player search" function. Sure it whould take awhile to scan a whole galaxy, but honestly not really. You can go trough a whole galaxy in less then 10 mins provided you go for it. So dont really see the iccue here. Also by having it like that adds more …

  • Anyway's there is no reason for me to argue to begin with, since i'm a fleeter myself this only benefits myself. Makes life abit eaiser. But i'm a honest guy, so from all perspectives of gameplay. Its simply a bad thing. Speically heavy on a fast fleet moving Uni as Uni 8 x50 Fleet speed. Couse you whouldn't be able to do much with those speeds if your enemy knows everything. Nerfing the fleeters by nerfing the "Player Search" abit since the speed is so high whould be a smart move.

  • Quote from Vinny: “Like hell it will, this poll is bulshit, there is no damn way someone will find 30 to 40 planets of 1 player in a day in uni 8, people can relocate their planets every 24 hours. it is complete bulshit to remove the player search. if you want to hide use the planet hideout. just stop whining about everything. ” lmao, guess you've never actually done some real fleeting then huh. Finding that many planets within a day is easy.

  • Quote from Vinny: “make it 20 mins on a slow connection times 9 galaxies = 3 hours! And why? because some people do not want to be found? You know, if all of you really want to make things easy for yourself, to make sure your precious little planets don't get attacked, go into V-mode. It is ridiculous to think a uni with over over 35 planets (probably over 40) shouldn't have a function to find the planets. Quite absurd if you think it will be beneficiary to the game. If people learn to save it d…

  • Quote from gohzal: “although if there isn't a galaxy map - someone will just write a script to scan the galacy for them and then they will be the only ones with everyones location ” Well that whould be like cheating, same as Boting is in most games.

  • Quote from Vinny: “No alpha it would not be cheating, you don't listen do you? That is exactly what the ogame aprovd tool does, ogame has tool that scan all galaxies afor all the players, it is officially approved by ogame and all the top players use it, there are also tools for calculating how much you will gain from your mines, how long you will need to save reource betore you can upgrade something an there's even one that will tell you which buildig would be most benificial to level up given …

  • Who said anything about the other features about the premium? The fact remains, the player search is killing a big part of the game as it was intended to be played as no matter if you have premium or not. Removing it whould benefit the game as a whole way more then if it where ingame. Now an unexperinced player have a slight chance to atleast stay alive without being scaned down within just a few sec's. Afterall the Uni is at 50 times the fleet speed hardly giving a person time to react. Anyway'…