Search Results

Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • what are the bonuses available if officers are not going to be used? speed is good, def into df is good at 10 and better than nothing, ogame unis are rare to have def into debris, not 90% of the uni's are that way like it was mentioned above. modern ships being added, depends as the only ship i want to see available is the fast recyclers, the rest i can live with or without. a few of us may come back here and play but will see how this plays out. good luck and hope it all falls into place.

  • @ cadbane hehe there is no crap but far from 90% sir, more like 10% of uni's ogame is falling more and more but getting more pay to play players. they lack speed and things like more defense into df and larger fleet to df. but i don't care, seldom play there any more. a group of us played ogame for years, well over 40 and it is down to 3 or 4 occasional players and everyone quits. @ vinny. would like to play here again, looks like i may be able too since it will be too cold for being outside on …

  • you are right i did not understand you, for a miner that def into the df stinks, but i like it hehe helps towards fleet rebuild

  • damn 8 more days, isn't that like eternity?? at my age may be dead before then. i agree with alpha, expos are a waste of time and voting dm isn't enough to sustain everyday needs to grow. i will spend money if i see a reasonable return with the perks, ie voting, dm collector, expos etc. if it is unreasonable then i won't spend money. if i want to spend that kind of money to be competitive then i will play ogame and buy my way up. more players to abuse in ogame. i agree they need income to pay fo…

  • i will explain what i was getting to with the dm, i sent my dm collection every hour even from my cell phone, about 15 times, and did vote and a couple of days i didn't get enough dm to get the daily bonus, which is bs. that i will argue with anyone on and for days, if you can spend that much time with attacks and trying to get dm and can't get to 5k dm and a little more so you can make a trade or 2 it is crap. the amount of dm after so many failed attempts it should be a min of 2. it isn't goin…

  • and another thing i just thought about and have to ask is the planet hideout. can you just stay on this without any cool down like most sites? what i mean there is you are on it then can't go back to cloaking for another 7 days. i know taking the time to look for the colonies, but the reports don't tell you the players names when you send the probes and hard to find who it is if a few players are on hideout and moving colonies.

  • most sites that have immunity/hideout etc have a cool down period so a player can't abuse hiding from everyone and can get his lumps like everyone else. if you go on it for 1 day there is a 3 day period where you can't run and hide again, if it is activated for 2 days then a 7 day waiting period. i know it is good for dark matter purchases so increase the dm cost to hideout and that will cover the loss of dm spent over the same period. you have to be able to know who it is when you probe them ba…

  • okay didn't see that pop up for me vinny but thanks! set up of uni that was part of it sir, i will buy dm when i need it and I WILL PAY for something that lets me find the guys that like to hide so there is payment on the other end I completely agree to the payment and never have thought otherwise. can't work for nothing, i won't and don't expect anyone else to either. i just think that chicken shit play stinks, and if it for paying customers i would appreciate the ability to pay to overcome it …

  • Quote from gohzal: “just delete the player search from the premium status ” and a way to overcome the hiding chicken shit thing to if i am buying dm like they do since they are supporting it i want to be able to see them. corrado said it is there for paying customers and if i am paying i want to see where they are

  • i am not 100% clear on the planet search of players since i never used it. so i need a question answered, if they are on this planet hideout will it show all of their colonies? i have an issue with it like i stated before, never seen any of these sites allow that to be used continuously with out a few days break. if the search function includes and shows the colonies of the people using the hideout then i am for it, if not then it's really worthless and doesn't give me anything to overcome that.

  • Quote from Vinny: “make it 20 mins on a slow connection times 9 galaxies = 3 hours! And why? because some people do not want to be found? You know, if all of you really want to make things easy for yourself, to make sure your precious little planets don't get attacked, go into V-mode. ” or use planet hideout and move your colonies Quote from Alpha: “Then that's fine. But if you want to have something balanced you gotta make changes that are currently in the game. More balance = more players. So …