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  • Build amount uni9

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    Yes ccxx, that's true but is it really a problem? it just means you need to be a bit more careful with space but it should be enough to build high level mines. 1200 should be enough, and you could always buy some more fields if you really need them

  • Build amount uni9

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    @ccxx you're going about it all wrong, you only need research lab and university on 1 planet, the research speed is so fast you don't need lab on any other planets. you do not need silo since the ipm's in the silo's are not enough to make even a small dent in your defense. it literally is a waste of time to try and blow up any defence in uni 9 with ipm's. your sotrages only need to be 40 each, max (so 120 fields total) then you don't really need solar plant, sure it will help but you don't reall…

  • Build amount uni9

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    no asteroids in uni 9 and why would you need anything higher than 25 robot factory? 25 is high enough to make nano take 0 seconds so that's good enough right? Also sats have no negative rapid fire, they do not make a defence better but they surely won't make it worse