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  • Harvesting DFs

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    guys, seriously, just don't use the harvest link, just click on the planet or moon for what ever mission, then when sending the fleet change the destination to debris and on the next page select recycle. i know it doesn't fix the bug but the game would be playable and it takes 5 more seconds, so just learn to plan it when attacking if you think that's a problem. Please tell me you actually thought of this?

  • Harvesting DFs

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    it's true, we never did figure out why, maybe as a temp fix just send all recs, I'm not currently playing, though i am checking the forums every now and than (and i login a bit more because of the v-mode bug) but maybe if i decide to play again give it an other crack maybe someone else knows why this is happening?