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  • doubling

    DiEnd - - BUG'S


    Neither option is good in my opinion if you do a rollback a lot of people will leave again because they'll lose everything they did in the time banning people only works if you can make sure those people don't come back with new e-mail and new IP only real option in this whole matter is closing uni 12, set it back to 0, fix all bugs, reopen with some bonus for staying true to this game

  • doubling

    DiEnd - - BUG'S


    corrado if you set back the fleets and resources you can close the game, believe me something like that is even worse than a rollback or a complete reset try calculating how many Lucky 7s were put into fleet. are you going to compensate every player for the wasted DM? i know you said you won't do a reset but that is the only way fair to everyone

  • doubling

    DiEnd - - BUG'S


    is it just me or was the rollback done without informing the players? corrado if that is how you want to do it i hope it won't come back to bite you in the as* and corrado? we had the same bug back in uni 1 and uni 2 try looking what you did back then to fix the fleet doubling

  • doubling

    DiEnd - - BUG'S


    corrado said he won't do a RESET, learn to read