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  • Buildingpage: - You can now add a number in the box manually -so you dont have to hit + many times. - The Minus (-) button is working. - The Dismantle is working. - You can now add 20 buildings at a time. Bonus: still under construction - hoop to finish today - 1 days hideout will have a cooldown of 48H -2 days hideout will have a cooldown of 96H

  • mod still under construction but Songoku is of for the holidays mod will have cool down 1-2 days. (no matter what someone els haves) during hideout planet will be fixed -- but during cooldown you can move planets so this is how it will work --- now timer isnt starting but timers work so depending what you used the time to us again will be 1-or 2 days so we need to wait till songoku finishes his work

  • Quote from corrado: “mod will have cool down 1-2 days. (no matter what someone els haves) ” i have to correct my self in this one 1 day hideout -- 48H cool-down 2 day hideout -- 96H cool-down __________________________________________________________ the planx is now made so that its the same as in ogame this way we have a good base and most of the players out there that cam from ogame to faster game like 99% of us have done know how plax works guide for reverence is the be found here: ogame.wik…