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  • Hard times for C-G

    corrado - - General News-And Questions


    Hello People Like we all can see is that the amount of players we have ,is slowly decreasing! There are still new players singing-up for the games but not as many as lets say 1 year ago ,the mean reason this happens is the popularity of other ogame private servers. But why the prefer them over us i have now idea ,when i did i would see if there was anything we could do about it. When we started Uni8 we have seen many troubles in the first month and i blief this was the turning-point and from the…

  • Hard times for C-G

    corrado - - General News-And Questions


    i removed the picture -- and i know the system we have had it here to but the thing is people used it to get players from other games and i hate it when the do it here so i removed it so people wont use corrado-game links in other games.

  • Hard times for C-G

    corrado - - General News-And Questions


    MORE NEWS - More news about Corrado on the vote sites. It still tells us that uni-8 has started - what more is there to say than there is now - Make end-of-the month vote reward a bonus for everyone and lower it to eg 50k, announce that on the vote sites - i have no idea why you think this help giving players that dont vote a bonus ,now you get a bonus on the end of each month when you actually did vote i think this is way more fair than your proposal MORE GAMES Reset and start new games more o…

  • Hard times for C-G

    corrado - - General News-And Questions


    Quote from Melkor: “I really like the daily bonus and Lucky7, the res boost is awesome, really helps. Maybe add a monthly bonus? ” I really like to keep bonus to a minimum but ,one more shut be posible ,need to think over it so lets keep this open for now Quote from Melkor: “The asteroids are annoying as all hell! ” as of now the ar disabled in uni8 all things belonging to them ar removed from the game -- how ever the event part still remains but isnt attacking any active players so you would no…