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  • uni16-uni17-uni18 Expedition failure

    ILARIA - - BUG'S


    Hello Corrado Game friends, before using to fly with ultra transporter to expos i was on stat place 6 or 7. the i started to use it and i had a lot of fun because i understand, that there will be no limits in the constrution of mines. since i started the game i had a feeling that there are not many active players and nearly no fleeters. everybody is concentrated to mine and it seemed to me like playing on a big graveyard. i started with ogame the first time in the beginning of maybe 2003 or 2004…

  • uni16-uni17-uni18 Expedition failure

    ILARIA - - BUG'S


    Ok. Enough from the past. Here comes my future. What i understand: The most are miners, nearly no fleeters. Most players are inactive or on (u) mode. It needs a special universe where you can have more resources as you ever can spend. I will call it " UNI no limit". What most gamers like so much is to see the mines working with big numbers changing second by second even when you sleep. They like to klick as more as possible when they get online. You never dreamed about a Cristalmine (1600) or a …