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  • doubling

    Rinaldo - - BUG'S


    Don't do anything, because if you set the server back a month, I can restart and many other new players. Just keep it this way, is everyone from the top 15 did it, let them. The can't destroy their fleet anyway. Yes I did the bug also, with a few million ships, without I noticed it, but that bug was also in uni9, uni8 and many other uni's but not with large amounts.

  • doubling

    Rinaldo - - BUG'S


    Corrado, is this really necessary? This is pathetic behavior of your helper... If this is how you treat your players, than this is really messed up man.

  • doubling

    Rinaldo - - BUG'S


    And now I have a message ban because I wanted to let everyone know what is happening...