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  • REOPENED FOR UNI-10 Uni-8 is becoming a shooting game atm. Asteroids are gone. But players have big silos now and these silos are used, for IPM attacks. With the speed in uni-8, a player can do 14 IPM attacks in 3 minutes Or 140 in 30 minutes. There is no limit to the attack count. I propose to introduce an IPM bashing rule.. max 10 IPM-attacks per 24 hours per target ccxx

  • Stop the crying Melkor.. your battle report is probably a revenge (in return) for your IPM attacks You leave large amounts of res on your planets. I attacked you 2x for it. I don't revenge IPM (as you noticed) When I find 60kT metal with a metal mine 122, that is 2 days res. You can't expect raiders to ignore you, only because you have no fleet.

  • Quote from Vinny: “Keep in mind, when i was helping Corrado come up with a max amount of missiles in the silo i thought the ratio we have now would be perfect, apparently a lot of you think it isn't. So instead of a limit i propose we try to find the right amount of missiles you can store in a silo. (….) An other thing i want to add is if there's a high ranked player (fleet 20 +) and he's destroying defence only to raid than he is a weakling, that is not how it's done and that is not how players…

  • Quote from Melkor: “Quote from Melkor: “ thanks for pointing out that I IPMed you, the fact that you haven't tried attacking again is proof that it's a deterrent. But it also makes me wonder who is crying now... oh dear 14 IPM attacks... boohoo ” ” I'd be happy to visit you again pal .. on the next spy.. let's say.. 36 kt Met and I fly ? would cover the deut cost Ok.. you are defense rank 8 now so I won't attack you too often, I promise..

  • Kick.. uni-10 has the same settings as uni-8.. and same thing goes wrong.. Ok.. I took a DB, gonna try extra Silo levels everywhere (level 60+) and interceptors first.. if that does not help… This account is going (v) and I will *leave* uni-10 :p IPM should be a war thing, not a little tool to raid planets for free

  • Indeed that is what IPM should do, revenge and war. But in this case, mister buildings rank #4, fleet #260 (looks like a noob miner) is visiting me daily with IPM and cargo afterward. He can use IPM for profit. I had 14 hours res on my planets. Quote: “Read further up, if you are going to limit IPMs then the number of fleet hits should be reduces as well, a top fleeter could easily crush defense without any losses, is a miner just supposed to do nothing? ” You see only the revenge. IPM's are pro…

  • Quote from Ev1l_EyE: “Ok, do away with them, limit them, do whatever, but if you do you'd have to balance it, if a miner is not allowed to retaliate then a fleeter is not allowed to profit from bashing your defenses. No ABM, IPM and silos will just be fine if 0% defense goes into DF ” IPM is already not balanced, it is too cheap and too unlimited. If corrado does nothing, the inbalance of IPMs will get worse when mines get bigger and IPM stays the same price. In a few weeks, uni-10 will be a sho…