Search Results

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  • Really, 2 years of savings got just removed from my bank, which was a way more then the "endgame" resources, this must be a joke! There was no warning about that the resources beeing removed or something like that (ingame or per email), so i could spend it before the removal.

  • I was saving about 2 years if not longer, took all my resources from the bank every day (when it was possible with 1 day intrest) and put it back. Later when the 96 hours lock came i did it every 4 days, so i get intrests on my intrests and so on. Now im sitting here and cant afford anything since i must save days to build 1 new building, when the amount which was on my bank, invested in anything would have pushed me to the top easily (if strong use of DM or just fleet with instand build). This …

  • Which is like a seventh of my savings, i dont care about this Showdown. Do you really think i save 2 years, so i spend it all in this "Showdown" now to be the #1, not really... else i would have done it long time ago!

  • I created a support ticket for corrado let's see what happens. Since the compensation is the amount i got on bank about more then 260 days ago...

  • Corrado just added the amount back to my bank, so it is resolved!