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  • Back to basics sounds maybe nice but is boring like hell like @ccxx @DiEnd already claimed ! i also have to admit that trader caused many of the problems with resources in the last few years its one of the parts that is many times upgraded when found a leak but there are a few players that always search for new ways to cheat don't like the doing it it's childish but that's how some minds work. we think now with the latest fix by @Songoku23 we have it covered and we now can see if players intenti…

  • This game will not work , and i tell you why !! from all the players in a game only 2% pays for DM when we pick uni11 with its 260 players ,we have around 25-30 players that pay so imagine you see new game and you look and see only 30 players in game that's 2 weeks old are u going to pay that game to play ?? iguess not i already thought of this construction but never found a way to make it work -- and let's face it there are no games that ask entrance money and be successful at the same moment