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  • Hello @kainado we have the function in game but have disabled it. Thing is when we use the option , you limit the speed of wat players can grow -- example is when player like NonnAdelina have time to play and out grows the rest he cant play an more , wille all players in game will be weak and he have nothing to do. The other thing we have to keep in mind is that C-G is a ware game and it seems funny that you can't be attacked will player is stronger dont u thin. So Yes i understand your problem …

  • we know this and every year since game is open there is a player in game that is more aggressive than the rest and we already changed few things to give rest of players more time to react - we added cooldown after relocation,you have to wait 5 min after you relocate your planet before you can attack and yes 5 min isn't much but that is the downside in playing a High Speed game. and problem is the game itself you all want faster games and whit the rise of speed also the flight time decreases mean…