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  • Harvesting DFs

    BTB - - BUG'S


    i would like these resources returned please, 2 hits and that df is mine from the moon and colony. i can only send 2 rec at this and will take 32 years to do it and i will be dead probably in another few years, too old to keep clicking for the next 2 weeks have to add this or ask this, why does it send all the recyclers and now what is actually needed to pick up a df? if 1,457,000,000,000,000,000 are needed it will send everything that i have and that may be he i…

  • Harvesting DFs

    BTB - - BUG'S


    now i have 3 big df's i can't recycle and fleet loss isn't covered without the df and enough for me, if this gets fixed when the new server comes out and i have time to play i will return, not that anyone would care hehe but right now i can't play like this. thanks and take care!

  • Harvesting DFs

    BTB - - BUG'S


    lol bud, glad to see you are stil around. to answer your question yeah wouldn't bother me but i did that and a popup appeared and said something like unable to serve the planet or colony. got that same popup on my df several times repeatedly and that's when i came in and posted.

  • Harvesting DFs

    BTB - - BUG'S


    i believe you tried, if any site other than this one trust me i would have said yeah right. i did try to send all the recyclers, even tried sending all the fleet, and one of the things is it does send all he rec when i was going after df's to build the fleet up to raid inactives i did get up to rank 172 in under 72 hours but was still meaningless hehe i was so far behind it was a futile attempt but was fun trying. i have no idea what to say but before posting i did try to get the df every way i …