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  • Transporting resources

    BTB - - BUG'S


    this is what is showing when I hit max resource load in the resource field on the fleet page 6.735428384036307e+22 and does not fill in the deut and crystal. you have to hit the crystal and deut max individually on each to fill them in and they show the same thing so it is not filling the resources when you hit max resource load, but it will send all the resources if you hit max on each individual resource. damn sounds confusing as hell hehehe

  • Transporting resources

    BTB - - BUG'S


    and it is not showing the balance of cargo space available after you hit max resources so you don't know if you could send more or if it not enough ships to send the resources.

  • Transporting resources

    BTB - - BUG'S


    yeah for me not a big problem , I have been filling it in manually little slow but not too bad