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  • Hello Corrado, hello The Truth, good morning Farmers and Raiders, I watched now all links and pictures. And beeing playing since last year daily non stop min 9h a day ( no V-modes ) knowing all statistics, hall of fames, players and kords of U19 it is garanted that having and spending so many ress is not REAL GAME conforming. In U 19 i make screenshots of shotten units several times a day and park those fotos in a discord group. Those who work with me in U19 know this perfect. Why ? Easy ! Month…

  • @ Corrado @Gamers @Cheaters in black Sorry guys, for me are the facts on the table. What you want more ??? In the other Unis it must be a real desaster when they come to U19 and open accounts to comunicate with me. I saw the Andscha Ress in G3 long time ago ( totally impossible to farm them at his time). I see the shotten units and compare with spended ress. I cant see any statement of Men in black about the troubles. WHY ? I see new accounts in U19 who are stealing daily others deprises, mining…