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  • white pages

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    Yes this happens when a page can't load fast enough you get a white page, don't know if there's anything that can be done about it, I can remember corrado also tried to put the background color to black so that 'load page' wouldn't be white but that did not help either. It is an inconvenience but maybe not play it when the lights out, that's bad for your eyes anyway

  • white pages

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    Haha, well I don't know how old you are but I'm 22 and sometimes, though rare, I also get a bit of a headache. But haven't had it for quite some time though, I must admit I've also not scanned entire galaxies for a while xD.

  • white pages

    Vinny - - BUG'S


    Well it most probably is from staring intensively at a pc screen for too long. Probably a general problem not just for this game but then again it flashing white pages won't improve it xD