Uni8 Settings/Setup Discussion Tread

    • after consideration we decided to add all ships and all defense in to the new game !!

      "why". . . simple the new game is going to produce huge amounts of resources ,creating insane numbers to Handel by the server
      the extra defense and ships are more expensive and there for lower in numbers and there for bring less load to the server.

      to minimize the power of the Terror-Drone where going to bring in a extra ship in game ( @Vinny thnx for the idea) i implemented in game and
      this new ship will be like a giant version of the Bomber only will this ship have no rapid-fire from the Terror-Drones.


      Defense to debris:

      we all read the comments and the are noted ,but we still playing a fleet oriented game and that is always the main focus of the game
      so to make sure people cant build such a strong defense it cant be attacked i think 10% isn't that bad at all considering it was set to 40% when post was created.

      - when defense is destroyed the attacker gets 10% of the part he destroyed
      - the defender gets 70% back of the destroyed units

      Grtz Corrado
    • Defense to debris:

      we all read the comments and the are noted ,but we still playing a fleet oriented game and that is always the main focus of the game
      so to make sure people cant build such a strong defense it cant be attacked i think 10% isn't that bad at all considering it was set to 40% when post was created.

      - when defense is destroyed the attacker gets 10% of the part he destroyed
      - the defender gets 70% back of the destroyed units

      I'm so sad to ear that.
      Building a strong bunker that can not be attacked is my main focus in ogame-like games.

      Defence in to debris is a noobtrap, cause the more defence you build the more juicy you become for fleeter.
    • @CAD BANE you know nothing about me, I'm number 1 in 3 uni's (uni 3, 5 and 6) I have always been a miner in 5 and 6 but eventually i build some fleet to take down the fleeter's there. because if you're number 1 in mines the next thing to do is become number one if research and fleet which i did. And obviously uni 3 is made for fleeter's, mining there has no use what so ever. So please, just stop.

      @corrado so if you destroy a defense completely about 70% of it is rebuild, no matter what the defense to debris % is? then it doesn't really matter setting it to an even lower % but i do think you need some percentage else the uni will die quickly because well everyone is cowering bind defense... It would make it an anodaX situation like we had in uni5 and we most certainly don't want that.

      @VonSpo which is why you need to balance the difficulty of destroying the defense and the debris someone could get from it. In games like this it is way to easy to build huge defense, defense is cheaper and stronger than fleet it needs to be balanced.

      And on a general note, with 10% defense to debris you will need a massive amount of defense to make it worthwhile to destroy it.
    • Yes @Vinny its the same here as in Ogame defense is always rebuild after a attack.

      10% to debris is such a low amount that people don't attack a planet only to bash defense there have to be something more on planet to make the attack profitable

      and its nice to see wee Agree to Disagree on this matter but pleas try to see this from all sides guys not only from a miner /fleeter point of view
      the focus is to pleas all groups of players not just 1
      Grtz Corrado
    • @Vinny: In games like this it is way to easy to build huge fleet.
      Of course defence is cheaper and stronger than fleet! IT CANNOT MOVE!

      Vinny wrote:

      And on a general note, with 10% defense to debris you will need a massive amount of defense to make it worthwhile to destroy it.
      Uni 7, i got a top 50 account and spent 3 days building defence. The fourth day my bunker got bashed for the debris. "massive amount" you say?

      @corrado: it is and it always will be miner vs fleeter ^^
    • @VonSpo Yes no uni 7 is not a good example, there are noobs in uni 7 that attack you for absolutely no reason especially that haudrauf guy. really annoying.
      because of that I can't mine in peace so I've put my account in v-mode there for the time being. The funny thing is though, I put it in v-mode 2 months ago, i was rank 3 at the time, now 2 months later I'm still rank 3! xD haha. But yes no uni 7 is not a good example xD i totally agree with you on that one ;)
    • specially the players that play in othre universe to the really have to watch out in this new game hahahaha

      and we have a new ship that is very strong but is very and i say very thirsty hahahah so good to use but expensive so when you first made a profit on a battle you can end-up in the red by your deuterium costs.

      but whit a empire that have around 30+ planets and there huge mines (130+ for metal) i think it will be very interesting for rookie -Die-hard gamerzz
      Grtz Corrado
    • Dor20 wrote:

      how about 0% def to debris, but +50% to ipm damage. or more. anyone use ipms much?
      IPM = Interplanetary missiles right ??

      i think this would be nice but don't think the shut be more powerfull but i think the numbers shut be bigger so the silo shut house more of them
      Grtz Corrado