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Search results 1-8 of 8.

  • Vote Rewards

    fanny - - General News-And Questions


    u get the bonus in every uni

  • registration

    fanny - - General News-And Questions


    tried it again, but still doesn't work @corrado are there any restrictions to emails that i can use to register? Maybe change it, because i think there are more people that are using trash mails nowadays

  • registration

    fanny - - General News-And Questions


    i wanted join another uni but didn't receive an email during registration; waited about 20 mins does the no-reply-registration-server work instantly or just send out emails at predefined times? i've been using a trash mail, but that shouldn't be the problem EDIT: that might be the fact why there aren't more new players, if the registration is bugged for certain email hosts or a shitty respond time by the corrado server

  • invisible fleet

    fanny - - BUG'S


    before u "spam" as u call it, u might consider posting the real bug! i can only see an active planet that has no fleet movement. planets are active 1. at the time the player is on this planet 2. the player uses empire view 3. some fleet of either the player or anyone else reaches the planet so considering it is case 1 or 2 there is no bug at all cheers

  • Hey, is it possible to add in the research page the ships that use a certain engine? so you know if you research a certain engine which ships will be improved. The way I think of it might be that the ships are shown if you click on the engine and all the ships are listed that are going to be improved. grtz

  • server switch

    fanny - - General News-And Questions


    hey corrado! what happens if fleet is still flying if you move the servers? i'm doing a long distance save of my fleet and it will arrive during the server switch

  • after how many days? (i) or after (iI)?

  • hey there! i remember there was a thread about this topic in the old forum, however i don't know what the result was: people in Vacation-mode don't produce res. if they become inactive the planets don't produce res, because the energy stays at 0. also many players, that want to give up on corrado game end their account with 0 energy. both ways result in planets that don't produce res, which others could farm. in the topic in the old forum we discussed that after an amount of days of people being…